Contact Us
Do you have comments or questions on our organization? Or would you like to become a member of our chapter? Please get in touch!
Contact Chesapeake Bay Decorative Painters
Contact Chesapeake Bay Decorative Painters
Officers and Committees
President: Judy Feldt
1st Vice President: Robin Pohlman
2nd Vice President: Paula Taylor
Secretary: Barb Hoage
Treasurer: Linda Walls
Newsletter: Barb Hoage
Ways & Means: Joann Wheeler
Birthday Luncheon: Linda Miller
Community Service: Linda Brandt & Carole Shuey
Memory Boxes: Erin Triplett
Sail Away: Joann Wheeler and Jeni Bearce
Publicity: Vacant
Historians: Honey & John Corkran
Sunshine: Linda Miller
Web Master: John Triplett
1st Vice President: Robin Pohlman
2nd Vice President: Paula Taylor
Secretary: Barb Hoage
Treasurer: Linda Walls
Newsletter: Barb Hoage
Ways & Means: Joann Wheeler
Birthday Luncheon: Linda Miller
Community Service: Linda Brandt & Carole Shuey
Memory Boxes: Erin Triplett
Sail Away: Joann Wheeler and Jeni Bearce
Publicity: Vacant
Historians: Honey & John Corkran
Sunshine: Linda Miller
Web Master: John Triplett